Hello, I'm Daniel Chainview.

No, of course my real name isn't Daniel. It's a pseudonym. You might have guessed this if you've watched There Will Be Blood, one of the greatest films in history. I created this alias to openly share my thoughts on this blog and engage more actively with the crypto community on Twitter.

I'll be writing and memeing about cryptocurrency/blockchain/whatever the fuck you want to call it. However, since crypto is multidisciplinary, my content will almost surely bleed into other topics.

So why does the world need another anon writing about crypto?

It's a fair question. There are a few reasons why I've started writing under a pseudonym. First of all, I work in the crypto space and have been reluctant to publicly express my views because of how it could be interpreted by my employer, the teams I interact with directly, and the projects I've invested in. Due to my reluctance, I've ended up not engaging at all. I don't intend to become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone.

Living as Daniel Chainview on the weebz grants the freedom (and safety) to express my unfiltered thoughts, which is important personally as a way to organize/test my views, and hopefully it's valuable to the greater community as well.

I've been inspired by the thousands of anon Twitter accounts that have made me laugh, cry, and think differently over the years. This may ring true for many of you, but I've consistently found that the most insightful commentary comes from pseudonymous accounts. They peel back the folds of reality and uncover truths our collective subconscious has known all along. It's a bit like good comedy.

I'm also keen to join the Pseudonymous Economy, a compelling concept developed by Balaji Srinivasan. Crypto can help shield your reputation from social media mobs and cancel culture, while providing a path to earn that sweet coin/become financially independent without needing to reveal a real identity.

And finally, I have always found Satoshi's use of pseudonymity to decentralize both Bitcoin the idea and the protocol fascinating. Bitcoin is judged purely on its merits, as opposed to the imperfection of its creator. This is a powerful concept, one that I hope to explore through this blog.

So what can you expect from this blog and newsletter?

Initially, all my content will be free. However, I would love to turn writing for the crypto community into a full-time gig. I'll start charging for access to posts soon, and donations are always welcomed. My first 25 subscribers will get 1 year free of content as a "token" of my appreciation (I hate puns, don't expect much on that front going forward).

Ok, enough about pricing. Here's why you may or may not want to subscribe (in no particular order):

  • I listen to a lot of crypto podcasts. Not like several per week, more like several per day. I plan to summarize the best pod episodes with my annotated commentary. Most people don't have time to listen to hours of podcast episodes, but I do given the nature of my current job. So, I might as well share the key points with you degens.
  • I was a Bitcoin Maximalist for several years, but I am not anymore. I've worked on teams across Bitcoin, Ethereum, and next gen. layer 1 ecosystems. Being embedded in each of these communities has given me a unique perspective in discussing crypto religions, the interoperability end game, and why BTC Maxis and ETH Heads are just talking past each other.
  • I'll occasionally meme about crypto prices, but not much about trading. I don't believe in technical analysis, its financial astrology as far as I'm concerned. So GTFO if you're posting screenshots of your Ichimoku Cloud... Just kidding, there's hope for you. I view investing in crypto as a long-term game, rather than an immediate, zero-sum competition. That's not to say short-term speculators, market makers, etc. are not important. They're absolutely critical in any market. It's just not something that I'll cover.
  • I've been investing in crypto for a long time. I bought my first Bitcoin in 2012 and purchased a .json file during the Ethereum ICO (unfortunately I sold those early coins way too early, womp womp), so you might call me an OG. Although, I consider early dark web dealers, cypherpunks, and that crazy mofo Roger Ver as OGs, so I guess its all relative. Nonetheless, being plugged into the blockchain for the past 8 years has provided an arc in which to view where we are in the cycle and where this movement is headed.
  • I view crypto protocols primarily as economic innovations, as opposed to technical breakthroughs. I think the technical aspects of these systems (albeit incredible) are just implementation details. Most of my writing will be an attempt to synthesize complex technical details to suss out how these protocols and products could become economically impactful.

I don't know exactly how often I'll be publishing here and shitposting on Twitter. I have a family and more than a full-time job. But, I intend to post on a regular cadence. So, follow me on Twitter and subscribe to get future posts delivered straight to your inbox. I look forward to learning with you all. It's going to be a wild ride!

Disclaimer: I know, this bullshit again. Nothing written in this blog is intended to be taken as investment advice, you idiots. The information provided is for informational purposes only, and to spark dank memes and discussions.